JadeReportWriterReport Class

The JadeReportWriterReport class, in conjunction with the JadeReportWriterManager class and JadeReportWriterSecurity class, provides methods that enable you to dynamically override Jade Report Writer details and programmatically run report definitions at run time.

The constants provided by this class for use in the setOutputDestination and setQueryOptions methods are listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Description
CONCURRENCY_NONE 1 Does no explicit resynchronization or locking
CONCURRENCY_READ_COMMITTED 3 Resynchronizes every object accessed, share locks collections
CONCURRENCY_READ_OPTIMISTIC 4 Resynchronizes every object accessed, share locks collections and objects included in the report output
CONCURRENCY_READ_PESSIMISTIC 5 Share locks all objects accessed during report output
CSV 3 Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file format
DELIMITED_FILE 3 Delimited file format (for example, containing commas, semicolons, tabs, or spaces)
HTML 2 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file
PRINTER 0 Output to the default printer of the user
RESOURCE_LIMIT_NONE 0 Not applicable (that is, ignored), which is the default value
RESOURCE_LIMIT_READS 1 Maximum number of objects to read
RESOURCE_LIMIT_RESULTS 2 Maximum number of result objects to add
RESOURCE_LIMIT_TIME 3 Maximum number of milliseconds the report query runs
RESOURCE_LIMIT_QUERYOPS 4 Maximum number of query operations
RTF 4 Rich Text File (RTF) file format for Microsoft Word for Windows
TEXT 6 Text (or ASCII) file format, and may contain new page characters
XML 5 Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format

The class constants CSV and DELIMITED_FILE have the same value and are the same, in that in either case you can use commas, semicolons, tabs, or spaces as field delimiters. Traditionally, as the name suggests, .csv was applied to files in which only commas could be used as delimiters. Consequently, CSV is retained as a class constant for the Jade Report Writer application, but it actually has the same value as DELIMITED_FILE.

The methods provided by instances of the JadeReportWriterReport class are listed in the following table.

Method Description
getDefaultOutputDestination Returns an integer value containing JadeReportWriterReport class constants (for example, PRINTER or CSV) representing the default output destination (for example, a printer or extract file) if none is explicitly set.
getDefaultProfile Returns a string value containing the name of the default profile.
getDelimitedFileOptions Obtains the current values to be used when running the report for extraction to a delimited file.
getExtraParameterDetails Obtains whether a value is mandatory and the user prompt value for the specified parameter.
getFolder Returns the folder path of the report.
getHtmlOptions Obtains the current values to be used when running the report for extraction to a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file.
getOutputFileTitle Returns a string value containing the full file title of the default output file.
getPageOptions Obtains the current report attributes relating to paper size values to be used when running the report.
getParameterDetails Gets the parameter type, length and scale factor, current value, is used, and ignore status. The isUsedInReport parameter is set to true if the parameter is used anywhere.
getParameters Obtains the names and values of all individual parameters.
getParametersForProfile Populates the string arrays specified in the names and types parameters with the parameter names and types that are used in the profile specified in the profileName parameter.
getProfileDescription Returns the description of the specified profile.
getProfiles Returns an array of profile names defined in the report.
getQueryOptions Returns the locking concurrency and resource limits to be applied at the query phase of the report run.
getReportDescription Returns the report description.
getReportingViewName Returns the name of the reporting view for the report.
getRootCollections Returns the alias and path of each report root collection or join, or both root collections and joins.
getTextOptions Obtains the number of lines on pages when running the report for extraction to a text file.
getUseClientFileSystem Returns true if the presentation client file system is used or false if the application server file system is used.
getXmlOptions Obtains the current values to be used when running the report for extraction to an XML file.
run Runs the current report, using the parameter values specified in the appropriate set methods.
runWithStatus Runs the current report, using the parameter values specified in the appropriate set methods, displays and refreshes a progress dialog, and returns the status of the report after it has been run, indicating the success of the report run and the page count of a report output to a printer or the record count of a report extracted to file.
setDelimitedFileOptions Sets the values to be used when running the report for extraction to a delimited file.
setEndingNotification Passes an object that is to be notified when the report finishes.
setHtmlOptions Sets the values to be used when running the report for extraction to an HTML file.
setLocaleDateOptions Sets date formats to be used at runtime.
setLocaleNumericOptions Sets number and currency formats to be used at runtime.
setLocaleTimeOptions Sets time formats to be used at runtime.
setOutputDestination Sets the destination of the report output.
setOutputFileEncoding Sets the UTF-8 encoding used in the output file.
setOutputFileTitle Sets the title of the output file that is created when the report runs.
setPageOptions Sets the Printer class attributes relating to paper size values to be used when running the report.
setParameter Sets the name and value of a parameter to be used when running the report.
setParameterIgnoreInSelection Specifies whether a parameter is to be ignored when selecting parameters for the current run of the report.
setPreviewOptions Sets the Printer class preview attributes to be used when running the report.
setProfile Sets the report profile name to use when running the report.
setQueryOptions Sets the locking concurrency and specified resource limits on the execution of a query when running the report.
setStartEndMethods Sets the names of the application initialize method that is called before the report is run and the finalize method that is called after the report has completed.
setTextOptions Sets the number of lines on pages and the size of each fixed‑length record when running the report for extraction to a text file.
setUseClientFileSystem Specifies whether the presentation client file system is used (true) or the application server file system is used (false).
setXmlOptions Sets the values used when running the report for extraction to an XML file.