Handling Exceptions in Jade Reports

Any exception or error condition arising from a Jade Report Writer application or running a report stops the current action and initiates an exception entry and dump to a Report Writer application log.

An exception does not result in the display of a user dialog.

Exceptions that occur in the Jade Report Designer application usually stop the current action. If an exception occurs while a report is running, the report stops at that point and the exception information is output to a Jade Report Writer log and a detailed stack dump log file. Accessing the appropriate log file is the first step towards determining the cause of the exception.

If the exception arises from a flaw in the report design, you can use the log information to isolate the cause of the problem and then take the appropriate steps to deal with the error.

If the exception arises from the user system against which the report is being run, the application developer can take the usual steps to design and implement an exception handler in the Jade application. For details about handling exceptions in Jade systems, see "Handling Exceptions", in Chapter 3 of the Developer's Reference.

The Jade initialization file provides the PassBackException parameter that enables exceptions trapped by the Jade Report Writer to be passed back to the application exception handler after they are logged. For details, see the PassBackException parameter under "Jade Report Writer Section [JadeReportWriter]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.

The following subsection, "Jade Report Writer Application Logs", describes the Jade Report Writer application logs and dump logs, which contain details about exception errors that occur when running reports.