Using the Profile Sheet

Use the Profile sheet of the Profile Properties dialog to specify or change the name and description of your profile.

To specify or change the profile name and description

  1. Click the Profile tab of the Profile Properties dialog.

    The Profile sheet, shown in the following image, is then displayed. The Profile sheet is displayed by default when you select the New command or the Properties command from the Profile menu to display the Profile Properties dialog.

    When you create a new profile, the other tabs on the Profile Properties are disabled until you specify and apply a new profile name.

  2. In the Name text box, enter a name for your profile. (The maximum length of the profile name is 30 characters.)

    You must enter a name in this text box when you create a new profile. Click the Apply button after entering a name to enable the other sheets of the Profile Properties dialog.

  3. In the Text text box, enter an optional description of the profile. This provides you with documentation that describes the purpose of the profile.

  4. To make this the default profile for your report, check the Set as default check box.

    The default profile is the one that is used to display your report layout whenever you open the Jade Report Writer Designer application.

    You can change the profile view by selecting another profile in the All Profiles list box at the top left of your layout on the main Jade Report Writer Designer window.

  5. Click the Add button if you want to add a new profile. Use this button if you want to add a new profile but you did not access the Profile Properties dialog by using the New command from the Profile menu.

    If the Profile sheet is currently displayed, the controls are cleared ready for you to enter the new profile details.

    If any other sheet of the Profile Properties dialog is currently displayed, the Profile sheet is then displayed with the controls cleared ready for you to enter the new profile details.

    To enter your profile details, perform steps 2 through 4.

  6. Check the Copy new profile from check box and then select an existing profile from the associated combo box if you want the new profile to have the same sort order, selection criteria, and group specification as an existing profile.

    Alternatively, do not check the box if the new profile is to have no sort order or selection criteria. (It will have the current group specification.)

  7. Click another tab if you want to make changes on other sheets of the Profile Properties dialog.

  8. Click the Apply button to apply the additions or changes you have made or click the Close button to close the Profile Properties dialog.

    To save the recent additions or changes when you close the dialog, you must click the Apply button immediately prior to closing the dialog. To abandon any additions and changes that you have made but not yet applied, do not click the Apply button immediately prior to clicking the Close button.