Save As Copy Command

Use the Save As Copy command from the File menu to make another copy of your report or template. The current report or template is not affected.

To make a copy of a report or template

  1. Display the Copy Report dialog by performing one of the following actions.

    • Select the Save As Copy command from the File menu

    • Press Ctrl+A

    The Copy Report dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. If you want to save your report using the same name, select another folder. Double‑click a folder name at the right of a folder symbol to open that folder.

    If you want to save a copy to the current folder, enter a new name in the Report name text box or the Template name text box, as appropriate.

    If you want to save a copy to a different folder with a new name, select another folder. Double‑click a folder name at the right of a folder symbol to open that folder. Enter a new name in the Report name text box or the Template name text box, as appropriate.

    If you want to copy a report or template other than the one that is currently displayed, select a different report from the Reports list and follow the instructions earlier in this step.

    For details about creating folders, see "Folders Menu", in Chapter 3.

  3. To further refine the display of reports or templates, perform one of the following actions.

    • To display details relating to the last modified dates of the displayed reports or templates, click the Display Details button. (This is the default display.)

    • To display the reports or templates as a simple list, click the Display as List button.

    • To display the report or template properties of the selected report or template, click the Display Properties button.

    The Show reports for current schema only check box is checked by default. Only reports defined for the current schema or any superschema are displayed. To display all reports defined in the database, uncheck the Show reports for current schema only check box.

  4. Click the Copy button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The selected report or template is then copied. The name of the original report or template remains unchanged.