Report Design Overview

Use the following overall procedure to create reports in the Jade Report Writer Designer application.

  1. Start a new report from scratch. For details, see "Starting a Report from Scratch", earlier in this chapter.

  2. Perform administrative steps to tailor your report.

    Administrative steps include setting report properties, setting report formats, attaching standard templates, creating profiles, and so on. For details, see "Using Administrative Functions", later in this section.

  3. Insert and maintain report detail. Inserting and maintaining report detail involves adding and maintaining the fields of the report and setting the properties of those fields. For details, see "Using the Detail Functions", later in this section.

You can perform part or all of step 3 before step 2, by accepting the report defaults that are initially set by the Jade Report Writer Designer application.

Before you begin to design any report, you can also set user preferences to control the appearance and toolbars of the report layout window. For details, see "Setting User Preferences", later in this chapter.