Properties Command

Use the Properties command from the popup menu that is displayed when you right‑click on a report field in your layout to set or change the general properties for that report field. Fields representing lines and boxes cannot access the Field Properties dialog.

When you select the Properties command, the Field Properties dialog is displayed.

To display the Field Properties dialog

  1. Right‑click while your cursor is over a report field on your layout. The popup menu that is displayed differs from field to field.

  2. Select the Properties command from the popup menu. Alternatively, double‑click a report field. The Field Properties dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

The sheets of the Field Properties dialog differ, depending on the field for which the dialog has been displayed. The subsections that describe the sheets of the Field Properties dialog are listed in the following table.

Subsections Applicable Field Type Describes…
Using the Common Sheet All Some common properties
Using the Layout Sheet All The position and size of the field
Using the Number Sheet Numeric and Currency fields Numeric and currency formats
Using the Font Sheet All except picture fields The font of the field
Using the Date Sheet Date fields Date formats
Using the Time Sheet Time fields Time formats
Using the Picture Sheet Picture fields Picture position
Setting Field Properties using a Format Script All How to format scripts