Inserting a Picture

You can insert pictures into any of your report sections. The Jade Report Writer Designer application accepts all of the common picture types (for example, bitmaps, icons, and portable network graphics).

To insert a picture

  1. Drag and drop the Picture field from the Catalog of Available Fields dialog to your layout. Alternatively, you can copy and paste fields between sections in the same report or different reports with the same root collections. For general details about using the drag and drop procedure or the copy and paste procedure, see "Inserting Report Fields", earlier in this section.

    As you move the cursor across to the layout while you continue to hold down the mouse key, the pointer becomes a dotted-line rectangle, enabling you to accurately choose the location for your picture. When you release the mouse button, a common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the location and name of your picture file.

  2. Locate and select your file in the dialog and then click the Open button.

    The selected picture is then displayed on your layout in required location, as shown in the following image.

    In this example, the picture is a logo for the Erewhon company that has been inserted into the Report Header section.

  3. Use the resizing handles (the small blue squares on the perimeter of the field image) to resize the field. For details about resizing fields, see "Inserting Report Fields", earlier in this section.

  4. If you want to move the field before you complete its entry, place the cursor inside the field so that the pointer changes to a crossed arrows symbol, click and hold down the mouse button, and then drag the field to a new position and drop it (that is, release the mouse button). For details about moving fields, see "Inserting Report Fields", earlier in this section.

  5. Click outside the field to complete the insertion of your literal field.

The field is then displayed with bold delimiters.