Inserting a Line

Use graphical lines to separate parts of your report text. The Jade Report Writer Designer application enables you to draw vertical or horizontal lines of various widths and colors.

To insert a line

  1. Drag the Line field from the Catalog of Available Fields dialog to your layout. For details about using the drag and drop feature, see "Inserting Report Fields", earlier in this section.

    A small rectangular marker is attached to the cursor and marks the point at which you dropped the field, as shown in the following image.

  2. Move the cursor (that is, move the mouse without clicking the mouse button) to finalize the position of the start of your line.

  3. Click and hold down the mouse button and then drag the cursor to the end-point of the line that you want to draw.

  4. Release the mouse button at the end-point of the line you want to draw.

    The line is displayed in the place that you marked, as shown in the following image.

You can draw vertical lines across multiple sections, if required.

To change the length of the line

  1. Select the line that you want to change.

  2. Place the cursor on the end of the line.

    A double-headed arrow symbol, which is a resizing arrow, is then displayed at the cursor position.

  3. Click and hold down the mouse button, and then drag to the left or right to change the length of the line.

  4. Release the mouse button to complete the length change.

You can also use the Ctrl+arrow keys to change the length of a line from the right or bottom margin by one pixel in the direction indicated by the arrow each time the key is pressed. Select the line whose length you want to change, hold down the Ctrl key, and then use the:

To change the width of the line

  1. Place the cursor anywhere on the line and then right‑click.

  2. Select the Width command on the popup menu that is then displayed.

    A popup submenu is then displayed, providing the line width options shown in the following image.

    The width sizes are in pixel units. The default value is 2 pixels. The check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the width size that is currently selected.

  3. Select another line width from the list of sizes.

The line is then redrawn with your selected line width.

To move the line vertically

  1. Select the line that you want to move.

  2. Place the cursor in the middle of the line.

    A double-headed arrow symbol is then displayed at the pointer position.

  3. Click and hold down the mouse button, and then drag the line up or down, as required.

  4. Release the mouse button to complete the move.

You can also move fields by selecting a line or box and using the arrow keys. Each keystroke moves the field one pixel in the appropriate direction. The Shift+arrow key combination moves the selected field one grid position when the snap to grid option is enabled or one pixel if the snap to grid option is disabled.

To change the color of the line

  1. Place the cursor anywhere on the line and then right‑click.

  2. Select the Color command on the popup menu that is then displayed.

    A popup submenu is then displayed, providing the color options shown in the following image.

    The check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the color that is currently selected. The default color is Black.

  3. Select a color from the list of colors.

  4. To apply a custom color that you have specified, select the Custom command. The common Color dialog is displayed, to enable you to select or define a custom color. When you have made your selection, click the OK button to apply the selected color or click the Cancel button to close the Color dialog without making any changes.

The line is then redrawn in your selected color. Alternatively, use the Horizontal or Vertical Line Properties dialog and specify a custom color using the Color combo box. For details, see "Specifying Line Properties", later in this section.

To delete the line

  1. Place the cursor anywhere on the line and then right‑click.

  2. Select the Delete command from the popup menu that is then displayed.

The line is then removed from your layout.