Extract Data Command

Use the Extract Data command from the File menu to extract your report to a file.

To extract your report data

  1. Select the Extract Data command from the File menu.

    The Report Parameters dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    In the Enter Report Parameter Values group box, specify any parameter values used in your report. Enter or select the parameter value for the listed parameter in the Parameter Value column.

    You can specify object parameters in the relevant combo box only when the appropriate Jade methods are reimplemented in the schema from which your Jade Report Writer application is run. If objects are not displayed for selection, consult your application developer.

    If the User value must be entered check box on the Param sheet of the Catalog of Available fields dialog is checked, you must enter a parameter value. If you do not enter a parameter value, the message "Parameter Value must be entered for <parameter name>" is then displayed.

    Alternatively, check the check box under the Ignore column to specify that the parameter is ignored in selection. This overrides the User value must be entered option, and the message box is not displayed. Any selection criteria using this parameter are dropped from the query when the report data is extracted. The specified parameter is therefore treated as an all action when applied as a selection criterion.

    When reports are run from the user system, the JadeReportWriterReport class getExtraParameterDetails method returns the value of this options for a specified parameter name. This can be used to code checks that a value has been entered for parameters. For details about the getExtraParameterDetails method, see Chapter 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes, Volume 1.

  2. In the Extract output format group box, select an extract output format by selecting one of the option buttons.

    By default, the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) option is selected.

  3. In the Maximum Objects to Extract text box, enter a non-zero value to limit the output to this number of query results when testing the report extract layout. The extract file will not correctly reflect any selection done by the report, because not all results are included.

  4. In the Output file name text box, enter the name and location of the file to which you want to extract your report. The appropriate file extension is already displayed in this text box, according to the output format.

    If you are unsure of your file name or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file.

  5. To specify that the output file path and file name specified in the Output file name text box is specified from the perspective of the local (client) workstation, check the Use Client File System check box.

    If you do not check this box, the output file path and file name is treated as specified from the perspective of the application server.

    By default, the output file uses the file system of the client workstation.

    The application server executes Jade application logic in Jade thin client mode. It communicates with the Jade database on the server node and one or many presentation (thin) clients; that is, local client workstations.

  6. To use UTF-8 BOM encoding in the output file, check the Use UTF-8 file encoding check box. If you do not check this check box, the file is output in native ANSI or Unicode format.

    This check box is disabled if you select the RTF option button in the Extract output format group box, earlier in this instruction.

    The Default sheet of the Report Properties dialog enables you to specify the default setting of this check box. For details, see "Using the Default Sheet", earlier in this chapter.

  7. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Close button to abandon your selections and close the dialog.

Your current report is then extracted to the specified file. For details about extracting to a file, see Chapter 5, "Printing and Extracting Jade Reports".