Creating Report Variables

To create a new report variable

  1. Click the Variables tab of the Catalog of Available Fields dialog. The Variables sheet is then displayed.

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar of the Catalog of Available Fields dialog.

  3. Add Report Variable dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  4. In the Name text box, enter the name of your report variable. The name can be up to 30 characters in length. You cannot use an existing report variable name.

  5. In the Type list box, select the type of field that you require; for example, Decimal, Binary, Boolean, String.

  6. In the Length text box, enter the length of your field if you selected Binary, Decimal, or String in the Type list box.

    Decimal parameters can have a maximum length of 23. The maximum integer portion (whole number) length for a Decimal parameter is 12. For other primitive types, this text box is disabled.

  7. In the Decimals text box, enter the number of decimal places if you selected Decimal in the Type list box. The maximum number of decimal places is 15. For other primitive types, this text box is disabled.

  8. In the Initial Value text box, enter an initial value for the variable, if required.

  9. Click the Apply button to complete the creation of the report variable. Alternatively, click the Close button without clicking the Apply button to abandon your entries.

The new report variable is then added to the list of variables on the Variables sheet of the Catalog of Available Fields dialog.