Changing the Section Properties on the Popup Menu

To change the section properties on the section properties popup menu

  1. Select the Visible popup menu command if you do not want this section printed. Selecting this command toggles the visibility on or off. The section is printed if there is a check mark symbol (✓) displayed at the left of the command.

    The section is not printed if there is no check mark symbol displayed at the left of the command. The section remains visible in your layout but the space is filled with cross-hatching (that is, it is grayed out). All sections are visible by default.

  2. Select the Print at Bottom of Page popup menu command if you want the section printed at the bottom of the page. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    Selecting this command toggles the option on or off. The section is printed at the bottom of the page only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command. This option is enabled for all sections other than the Page Header and Page Footer sections.

    By default, sections are not automatically printed at the bottom of the page, except for the Page Footer section, which is printed at the bottom of the page by definition (the option is set and cannot be changed).

  3. Select the Start New Page Before popup menu command if you want this section printed on a new page. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    This option applies only to the following sections.

    Clicking on this command toggles the option on or off. The section is printed on a new page only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command. By default, sections are not printed automatically on a new page.

  4. Select the Start New Page After popup menu command if you want to start a new page after printing this section. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    This option applies only to:

    Selecting this command toggles the option on or off. A new page is started after printing this section only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command. By default, a new page is not started automatically after printing sections.

  5. Select the Restart Page # After popup menu command if you want to start numbering pages starting at 1 after printing this report section. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    Selecting this command toggles the option on or off. Page numbering restarts at 1 after the section is printed only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command. By default, numbering is not restarted after the section is printed.

  6. Select the Suppress Print popup menu command if you do not want to print this section if there is no data in the fields of the section. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    Selecting this command toggles the option on or off. Printing of the section is suppressed if fields contain no data only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command. By default, sections are printed whether or not data exists in section fields.

  7. Select the Combine with Following popup menu command if you want to position the section that follows this section so that it is printed horizontally adjacent to this section; that is, the two sections are combined. The check mark symbol (✓) is then displayed at the left of the command.

    Selecting this command toggles the option on or off. The following section is combined with this section only when a check mark symbol (✓) is displayed at the left of the command.

    By default, sections are not automatically combined; that is, the section that follows this section is printed below this section.

  8. Select the Skip on First Page popup menu command if you want to suppress of the Page Header or Page Footer sections on the first page of the report.

The New command creates an additional section of the same type. For example, by distributing fields into a number of Detail sections and applying the Suppress print command to those sections, you can avoid printing blank lines on a report.

The Select All command selects all fields, lines, and boxes in a section. (Use the Edit menu Select All command to select all fields, lines, and boxes in the report.)

The Delete command removes an additional section that was created by using the New command.

The Move Up and Move Down commands on the section properties popup menu apply only to multiple frame sections. For details, see "Using the Sections of a Report", earlier in this chapter.