Unload Command

Use the Unload command from the System Formats menu to unload your system formats to a file.

To unload your system formats

  1. Select the Unload command from the System Formats menu. The Unload System Formats dialog is then displayed.

  2. Enter the full location and name for your formats definition file in the File Name text box or click the Browse button to display a common dialog in which you can select your file location and name.

  3. To use UTF-8 BOM encoding in the formats definition file, check the Use UTF-8 file encoding check box. If you do not check this check box, the file is output in native ANSI or Unicode format.

    The User Preferences screen enables you to specify the default setting of this check box. For details, see "Preferences Command", later in this chapter.

  4. Click the Unload button to save your system formats to the specified file.

    Alternatively, to abandon the unloading process, click the Close button without unloading system formats.

The system formats are then saved to the specified file. For details about retrieving system formats saved to files by using the Load command, see "Load Command", in the following subsection.