Report Fields

The following image shows the Report Fields category expanded to show the fields that have been included in the report example used in this guide. The sales price has been selected and is subsequently displayed in the Script Code sheet.

Report Fields and Database fields are designated by the brace symbols (that is, the { and } symbols, sometimes know as curly brackets) that enclose them, as shown in the example.


The arrows (->) indicate the path to the price field, which is accessed from the Clients root collection through the references allRetailSales and mySaleItem.

The path includes the name of the RetailSaleItem subclass in the notation RetailSaleItem.price to specify the price feature of the RetailSaleItem subclass of SaleItem.

The result would be the same if you had selected the field from the Database Field folder. If the field you want is a report field, however, it is more convenient to select it from the Report Fields folder.