Format Constants

The Format Constants category is displayed on the Format Script dialog. The Format Constants category of the Fields list box list valid values for the matching property; for example, the borderStyle property can be set to one of the Border Style constant values of BorderNone, or BorderSingle, and the alignment property can be set to one of the Alignment constant values of AlignmentCenter, AlignmentLeft, or AlignmentRight. The following table lists the constants in the Format Constants category of the Fields list box.

Constant Heading and Names Values
Colors For backColor and fontColor properties
Black 0
Blue 16711680
DarkBlue 12582912
DarkGray 4210752
Gray 12632256
Green 32768
LightGreen 65280
LightYellow 8454143
Mauve 16711935
Purple 12583104
Red 255
White 16777215
Yellow 65535
None -1 (for backColor only, to set no color at all; that is, transparent)
AlignmentLeft 0
AlignmentRight 3
AlignmentCenter 6
Border Style
BorderNone 0
BorderSingle 1
Date Order
MonthDayYear 0
DayMonthYear 1
YearMonthDay 2
Month Format
MonthFullName 1
MonthNumber 4
MonthNumberLeadingZero 3
MonthShortName 2
Negative Format
NegNumberInBrackets 0
NegNumberLeadingSign 1
NegNumberLeadingSignSpace 2
NegNumberTrailingSign 3
NegNumberTrailingSignSpace 4
NegCurrLeadingSymbolBrackets 0
NegCurrLeadingSignSymbol 1
NegCurrLeadingSymbolSign 2
NegCurrLeadSymbolTrailingSign 3
NegCurrTrailingSymbolBrackets 4
NegCurrLeadSignTrailingSymbol 5
NegCurrTrailingSignSymbol 6
NegCurrTrailingSymbolSign 7
NegCurrLeadSignTrailSpSymbol 8
NegCurrLeadingSignSymbolSp 9
NegCurrTrailingSpSymbolSign 10
NegCurrLeadSymbolSpTrailSign 11
NegCurrLeadSymbolSpSign 12
NegCurrTrailingSignSpSymbol 13
NegCurrLeadingSymbolSpBrackets 14
NegCurrTrailSpSymbolBrackets 15
Positive Format
PosCurLeadingSymbol 0
PosCurrTrailingSymbol 1
PosCurrLeadingSymbolSpace 2
PosCurrTrailingSpaceSymbol 3
Output Type
OutputCSV 3
OutputHtml 2
OutputRtf 4
OutputPrinter 0
OutputText 6
OutputXml 5
Picture Stretch
StretchNone 0
StretchToControl 1
StretchControlTo 2
StretchProportional 3
StretchPictureProportional 4
StretchCenterPicture 5

Although the fontColor and backColor values are not restricted to the colors listed in this table, they are the common ones.