Running the Jade Logical Certifier from a Dialog

You can also run the diagnostic tool from a dialog interface, which enables you to interactively specify schemas or classes that you want to certify or repair. The Jade Logical Certifier icon is installed in your Jade program folder when you install Jade or upgrade to this release.

To run the standalone Jade Logical Certifier application, perform one of the following actions

The Jade Logical Certifier dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

Although all schemas are selected for logical certification by default (that is, Certify All Schemas is selected in the Operation combo box), you can expand the certify and meta certify nodes in the Operation combo box to tailor the logical certification or user or meta data. Select the:

By default, when you have selected the Certify All Schemas operation, inverses in all classes in all schemas will be checked.

Select the Incremental Certify option button if you want to check only inverse references and collections that have changed since the last time the system was certified.

Checking only changed inverses incrementally can significantly reduce the time required to check the integrity of user data.

When you certify all schemas or you meta-certify all schemas (that is, you have selected the Certify All Schemas or Meta Certify All Schemas option in the Operation combo box), the Workers check box is enabled, so that you can control the number of worker processes available if you want all classes to be processed in parallel. By default, a single worker process is used. When you specify that more than one worker process can be used, the elapsed time to certify a system may be reduced.

The number of worker processes will depend on a multitude of different factors, including things such as available I/O bandwidth, CPU cores, the number of instances, and the number of inverses in each class. As a guide, the number of workers should not exceed the number of CPU cores minus one.

Entities in the Schema and Classes list boxes are disabled when their selection does not apply to the selected logical certify operation. To select a group or range of classes or schemas displayed in the Classes or Schemas list box, use the Shift key or Ctrl key, respectively.

Although all items in the selected operation are certified by default, you can select the Certify Created During Date Range option button and then enter the start and end creation dates of the items that you want certified. The Jade Logical Certifier application then checks only the items that were created within the specified date range.

The JadeLog directory instance is used as the default value for output from the logical certification. If you want to direct output to another directory, specify the required valid absolute path in the Log File Directory text box. Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables the selection of the log file directory in which certified, checked, or repaired files will be located.

Certification data is appended to the _logcert.log file and the _repair.log file. Meta data certification output is written to _metacert.* files, except for the fix file, which is output as _logcert.fix.

If you do not want certify progress messages to be output to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer window, uncheck the Display Progress check box. By default, certify progress messages are output to the viewer window. You can control the frequency with which these messages are output, by specifying the number of instances in the Instances text box. By default, messages are output every 10,000 instances.