Implementing System Instrumentation and Diagnosis Methods

In addition to the node sampling methods documented under "Node Sampling", later in this chapter, Jade provides an Application Programming Interface (API) framework whose methods, summarized in the following table, you can incorporate into your Jade applications to examine your Jade system, nodes, or processes.

Class Method Description
DbFile getFileStatus Returns the status of a physical database file during the backup process
DbFile getOpenPartitions Populates the input partitionList array with references to JadeDbFilePartition instances; one for each open partition of the associated database file
DbFile getPartitions Populates the input partitionList array with JadeDbFilePartition instances; one for each partition of the associated database file
DbFile isPartitioned Returns true if the database file is partitioned
DbFile getStatistics Returns statistics on all reads and writes to the database file
JadeDatabaseAdmin getDbFiles Populates an array with references to files of selected kinds
JadeDbFilePartition getFileStatus Returns the status of a single physical database file partition during the backup process
JadeDbFilePartition getStatistics Returns statistics on reads of single database partition activity
JadeDbFilePartition isFrozen Returns true if the associated partition is frozen
JadeDbFilePartition isOffline Returns true if the associated partition is offline
Node getCacheSizes Retrieves the cache sizes of the node on which the method is executing
Node getCacheSizes64 Retrieves the cache sizes of the node on which the method is executing when running in a 64‑bit Jade environment
Node getLocks Populates the specified array with transient instances of the current locks for shared transient instances
Node getNotes Reserved for future use
Node getMutexCounts Retrieves the number of contentions on mutexes (locking mechanism used to ensure thread safety when executing critical sections of code) used internally by Jade for the node
Node getObjectCaches Retrieves node sampling values relating to cache activity
Node getQueuedLocks Populates the specified array with transient instances of the lock requests waiting for shared transient objects to be unlocked
Node getRequestStats Returns node statistics relating to persistent database requests from the receiver
Node getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves statistics relating to RPC activity between the database server node and the receiver node
Node processDump Invokes a non-fatal operating system process dump of a specific node
Node setCacheSizes Sets the cache size values on the node on which the method is executing and retrieves the current values after the operation
Node setCacheSizes64 Sets the cache size values on the node on which the method is executing and retrieves the current values after the operation when running in a 64‑bit Jade and environment
Node wbemListClasses Retrieves a list of the WBEM classes that can be queried for the node of the receiver object
Node wbemListInstanceNames Retrieves the names of all instances of a specified WBEM class for the node of the receiver object
Node wbemQueryQualifiers Retrieves the name, type, and scale factor for each property of a specified WBEM class
Node wbemRetrieveData Retrieves instances and property values for a specified WBEM class for the node of the receiver object
Process adjustObjectCachePriority Changes how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache
Process beginMethodProfiling Starts method profiling for the receiving process
Process classAccessFrequenciesStatus Returns the status of class access counters, including the UTC time
Process enableClassAccessFrequencies Enables or disables class access counters
Process endMethodProfiling Stops method profiling for the receiving process
Process extractRequestStatistics Extracts local or remote request statistics from a notification sent in response to a sendRequestStatistics method request
Process extractWebStatistics Extracts performance statistics relating to web activity from a notification sent in response to a sendWebStatistics method request
Process getBufferStatistics Returns cache‑related information about a specified object
Process getCallStackInfo Retrieves information about the call stack of the executing process
Process getMethodCacheLimit Retrieves the method cache limit for the executing process
Process getMethodCacheStatistics Retrieves information about the method cache of the executing process and stores it in the passed in dynamic object
Process getMethodProfileInfo Retrieves method profiling information for the receiving process
Process getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves statistics relating to RPC activity between the database server node and the receiver process
Process getStringPoolLimit Retrieves the string pool limit for the executing process
Process getTimers Retrieves timer-related information
Process profileMethod Selects or deselects a method to be profiled for the receiving process
Process removeMethodProfileInfo Removes all method profiling information for the receiving process
Process sendCallStackInfo Requests a target process to send one or more notifications containing information about the call stack of the receiver process
Process sendMethodCacheStatistics Requests a target process (the receiver) to send a notification containing statistics about the method cache of the target process
Process sendRequestStatistics Requests a process to send a notification containing local or remote request statistics
Process sendTransientFileAnalysis Requests a target process to send one or more notifications containing detailed analysis of the transient database file
Process sendTransientFileInfo Requests a target process to send a notification containing information about its transient database file
Process sendWebStatistics Requests a process to send a notification containing performance statistics for web activity
Process setMethodCacheLimit Specifies the method cache limit for the executing process
Process setObjectCachePriority Specifies how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache
Process setStringPoolLimit Specifies the string pool limit for the executing process
System beginLockContentionStats Starts recording lock contentions for persistent objects
System beginObjectTracking Starts recording in a file database server persistent object activity
System clearLockContentionStats Removes all existing lock contention data and restarts recording of lock contentions
System endLockContentionStats Stops recording lock contentions and removes all lock contention data
System endObjectTracking Ends recording in a file of database server persistent object activity
System getClassAccessFrequencies Returns access counts for specified classes
System getDatabaseStats Returns statistics relating to persistent database activity
System getDbDiskCacheStats Returns statistics relating to the persistent database disk cache
System getLockContentionInfo Retrieves lock contention information for the specified object
System getLockContentionStats Retrieves lock contention for all contended locks
System getLocks Fills an array with a specified number of instances of current locks in the system
System getMostAccessedClasses Returns access counts for the classes that have been most frequently accessed
System getNotes Fills an array with a specified number of instances of current notification requests in the system
System getQueuedLocks Fills an array with the specified number of instances of lock requests in the system that are waiting for a locked object
System getRequestStats Returns system statistics relating to requests carried out by the database server node
System getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves RPC statistics relating to activity between the database server node and all client nodes
System processDumpAllNodes Invokes a near-simultaneous operating system process dump of all nodes and the server node itself
System queryLockContentionStats Retrieves information about the current recording of lock contentions

For details, see the following subsections. For examples of the use of and output from these methods, see Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes.