File Trailer

The file trailer record (type 20) is listed in the following table.

Statistic Description
Record type Integer value representing the type of statistics sampling record
Node number Node number relative to the system
Date Date on which the sample terminates converted to the internal (Julian day) format for internal storage and computation
Time Time in milliseconds from midnight UTC (that is, 00:00) on that date until the sample terminates
Timestamp string Text representation of the date and time as a timestamp (in the local time of the workstation from which the sample was executed)

For details about obtaining UTC times, see the Application class currentUTCBias and getUTCTime methods, in Chapter 1 of your Encyclopaedia of Classes. For details about converting UTC times, see the TimeStamp type localToUTCTime, localToUTCTimeUsingBias, utcToLocalTime, and utcToLocalTimeUsingBias methods, in your Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types.

The UTC bias is the UTC time minus local time, in minutes. For example, the New Zealand UTC bias of –720 indicates that a machine in New Zealand executing node sampling is 12 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT, has been replaced as the world standard time by Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, which is based on atomic measurements rather than the rotation of the Earth. (GMT remains the standard time zone for the Prime Meridian, or zero longitude.)