Begin Process

The begin process record (type 6) is listed in the following table.

Statistic Description
Record type Integer value representing the type of statistics sampling record.
Node number Node number relative to the system.
Process number Process number relative to the system.
Clock ticks 64‑bit number of microseconds elapsed since the node was initialized.
Node CPU time 64‑bit number of microseconds of CPU time charged for the node.
Node ticks 64‑bit number of logical operations performed by the node.
Process CPU time 64‑bit number of microseconds of CPU time (including start process CPU time and end process CPU time) charged for the process.
Process ticks 64‑bit number of logical operations performed by the process in the node.
Process logical clock Sequential 64‑bit number for inter-node process context switches.
Starting process id Starting process number identification.
Start clock ticks 64‑bit number of microseconds elapsed since the process was initialized.
Start node CPU time 64‑bit number of microseconds of CPU time charged for the node when the process started.
Start node ticks 64‑bit number of logical operations performed by the node when the process started.
Start process CPU time 64‑bit number of microseconds of CPU time charged for the process when the process started.
Start process ticks 64‑bit number of logical operations performed by the process when the process started.
Start process logical clock 64‑bit number of inter-node process context switches when the process started.
Instance id Starting process instance identification, unique across nodes. (Available only for processes already executing when sampling begins. The corresponding end process record is always available.)
Process location Integer value representing the location in which the process starts. For details, see "Process Location", later in this chapter.
Schema name Name of the schema in which statistics are sampled.
Application name Name of the application in which statistics are sampled.