Sending an Event Message

The jomSendEventMsg call, shown in the following example, is used to send event messages to objects.

int jomSendEventMsg(const DskHandle   *pHandle,
                    const DskObjectId *pOid,
                    DskParam          *pMessage,
                    DskParam          *pParams,
                    DskParam          *pReturn,
                    unsigned int      raiseNoReceiverException,
                    int               noReceiverError,
                    unsigned int      raiseInvalidMessageException,
                    int               invalidMessageError,
                    UInt32            lineNo)

This call is similar to the jomSendMsg call. (For details, see "Sending a Message", earlier in this chapter.) The difference between the two calls is that if the receiver object class does not have a method corresponding to the event message in this call, no exception is raised by the Jade Object Manager.

The parameters for this call are described in the following subsections.