Locking an Object

The jomLockObject call, shown in the following example, is used to place a lock on an object.

int jomLockObject(const DskHandle   *pHandle,
                  const DskObjectId *pOid,
                  BYTE              type,
                  BYTE              duration,
                  Int32             waitTime,
                  unsigned int      invokeHandler,
                  unsigned int      *pSuccess,
                  UInt32            lineNo)

When an object is locked, the logical buffer is automatically loaded with the latest edition, to guarantee that a locked object buffer is always current for the duration of the lock.

Locks issued after a jomBeginTransaction or jomBeginLoad call are associated with the process specified by that call. (For details, see "Beginning a Transaction" or "Beginning a Load", elsewhere in this chapter.)

For more details about locking objects, see the Object class lock method, in Chapter 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes.

The parameters for this call are described in the following subsections.