Beginning a Notification

The jomBeginNotification call, shown in the following example, requests the Jade Object Manager server to send a notification message whenever the specified object is affected by the specified event.

int jomBeginNotification(const DskHandle   *pHandle,
                         DskParam          *pSubscriber,
                         DskParam          *pFeature,
                         const DskObjectId *pTarget,
                         const UInt32      eventType,
                         UInt32            responseType,
                         UInt32            subscriberResponseType,
                         UInt32            userTag,
                         UInt32            lineNo)

The notification is sent at the end transaction point for Jade Object Manager events and instantly for USER events if the immediate parameter of the jomCauseEvent call is set to a non-zero value. (For details about the jomCauseEvent or jomCauseSDSEvent call, see "Causing an Event" or "Causing an SDS Server Event", later in this chapter.)

The parameters for this call are described in the following subsections.