Arming an Exception Handler

The jomArmExceptionHandler call, shown in the following example, requests the Jade Object Manager kernel that if an exception of the specified exception class occurs before the handler is disarmed, it should then send the message in the parameter to the receiver object.

int jomArmExceptionHandler(const DskHandle   *pHandle,
                           const DskObjectId *pOid,
                           const DskObjectId *pExceptionClass,
                           DskParam          *pMessage,
                           DskParam          *pInputParams,
                           BYTE              scope,
                           UInt32            lineNo)

As the default exception handler is not invoked if you intercept an exception with your own handler, the Unhandled Exception dialog is not displayed, regardless of the value returned for your exception handler. If you want to invoke the default handler and therefore display the Unhandled Exception dialog, you must send the message "defaultHandler" to the exception object.

For more details about arming an exception handler, see Chapter 3 of the Developer's Reference.

The parameters for this call are described in the following subsections.