Presentation Client Considerations

You do not have to alter the presentation client command line parameter to enable SSL support, but you must define or update the appropriate parameters in the [JadeThinClient] section of the Jade initialization file on the appropriate presentation clients.

If your connection to the Internet is through a proxy server, ensure that the SSLProxyHost and SSLProxyPort parameters in the [JadeThinClient] sections of the Jade initialization file on each presentation client are set correctly. (These values are likely to be the same as those that you defined in your web browser settings dialog, but you should contact your network administrator for exact details.)

When the application is starting on the presentation client, a splash screen may display the host and port to which the network connection is being made. This will be the proxy server if that is enabled, or the application server host name or port number defined by the SSLSecurePort parameter (which defaults to 443) in the [JadeThinClient] section of the Jade initialization file on each presentation client.