Browser Functions

The Jade Platform development environment browser tasks and entities that you can define in the jadeDevelopmentFunctionSelected function taskName and entityName input parameters are listed in the following table.

Task Name Entity Name Description
addApplication Schema-name Adds an application
addCategory Schema-name Adds a constant category
addConstant Schema-name::type-name Adds a class constant
addDelta Schema-name Adds a delta
addExposedList Schema-name Adds an exposure
addFile Schema-name::database-name Adds a map file
addFunction Schema-name Adds an external function
addFunctionLibrary Schema-name Adds a library for external function
addGlobalConstant Schema-name Adds a global constant
addHTMLDocument Schema-name Adds an HTML document
addInterface Schema-name Adds an interface
addLibrary Schema-name Adds a library for external methods
addMethodView Schema-name Adds a method view
administration Schema-name Administration option (sign‑on form)
addPackage Schema-name Adds a package
addSchema Schema-name Adds a schema
addSchemaView Schema-name Adds a schema view
addType Schema-name Adds a class
addVariable Schema-name::class-name Adds an attribute
alMethod Schema-name::type-name Adds a Jade method
applicationOptions Schema-name::application-name Changes application options
applyRestSecurity Schema‑name::type‑name::method‑name Applies security to a REST services method
broadcastMessage Schema-name Sends a message to other users
browsePackageClasses Schema-name::package-name Opens the Export Browser or Import Browser
browsePackageUsages Schema-name::package-name Shows all schemas that use a package
browseSchemaEntityViews Schema-name Opens a Methods View Browser window
changeCategory Schema-name::category-name Changes a constant category
changeConstant Schema-name::type-name::constant-name Updates a class constant
changeFile Schema-name::database-name::file-name Changes a map file definition
changeGlobalConstant Schema-name::global-constant-name Changes a global constant definition
changeHTMLDocument Schema-name::document-name Changes an existing HTML document
changeMethodView Schema-name::view-name Changes a method view
changeType Schema-name::class-name Updates class definition
changeVariable Schema-name::class-name::property-name Updates a property
checkInAll Schema-name::delta-name Checks in all methods in delta
checkInMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Checks in a selected method
checkOutMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Checks out a selected method
clearHistory Schema-name Clears the history of accessed classes and methods
closeDelta Schema-name::delta-name Closes the selected delta
closeSchemaWindows Schema-name Closes open windows for the current schema
collectionReferences Schema-name::type-name Collection references to a class or type
compile Schema-name::type-name::routine-name Compiles a selected method
compiledMethods Schema-name Status List compiled methods
compileType Schema-name::type-name Compiles a class, primitive type, or interface
compareMethods Schema-name::type-name::method-name Compares original and checked out method
constantReferences Schema-name::global-constant-name Global constant references
constantsMenu Schema-name::type-name Class Constants Menu
constantText Schema-name::type-name::constant-name Updates constant text
constantUsages Schema-name::type-name::constant-name Class constant references
copy Schema-name::type-name::method-name Copies selected text to a clipboard
copyForm Schema-name::locale-name::form-name Copies a form (saves as)
copyMethod Schema-name::class-name::method-name Copies a method (saves as)
copyMethodView Schema-name::view-name Changes a method view
copyXaml Schema-name::class-name Saves a XAML document as another name
createMappingMethod Schema-name::type‑name::property‑name Creates a mapping method for the property
cut Schema-name::type-name::method-name Saves selected text to a clipboard
debugExecute Schema-name::JadeScript::method-name Debugs a JadeScript or Workspace method
deleteForm Schema-name::locale-name::form-name Deletes a form
displayVersionInfo Schema-name Displays items that are versioned in the schema
editForm Schema-name::locale-name::form-name Edits a form
editorWindow Schema-name Toggles the display of the browser editor pane
enableInspectToolbar Schema-name::application-name Toggles the display of the Inspect toolbar
executeit Schema-name::JadeScript::method-name Executes a selected JadeScript method or Workspace
expandHierarchy Schema-name::class-name Expands branch of hierarchy tree
expandSchemaHierarchy Schema-name Expands Schema Browser branch
externalMethod Schema-name::type-name Adds an external method
extractActiveX Schema-name::component-library-name Extracts the ActiveX type library
extractDotNetLib Schema-name::component-library-name Extracts the .NET assembly
extractExposureList Schema-name::exposure-name Extracts the exposure list
extractHTMLDocument Schema-name::document-name Extracts an HTML document
extractInterface Schema-name::interface-name Extracts an interface
extractMethod Schema-name::class-name::method-name Extracts a method
extractMethods Schema-name::type-name::feature-name Extracts all methods in the active window
extractMethodView Schema-name::view-name Extracts all methods in the current schema from the method view
extractPackage Schema-name::package-name Extracts a package
extractView Schema-name::view-name Extracts the Schema View
fileOutMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Extracts the selected method
findCodePosition Schema-name::type-name::method-name Finds/Replaces text in the active window
findInterface Schema-name Searches for an interface
findReplace Schema-name::type-name::method-name Finds/Replaces text in the active window
findType Schema-name Searches for a class
formWizard Schema-name Opens painter and starts the Form Wizard
functionText Schema-name::function-name Updates text for external function
generateJavaScriptConsumer Schema-name::function-name Generates a JavaScript web service consumer
globalConstantText Schema-name::global-constant-name Updates global constant text
globalSearch Schema-name Finds/Replaces in multiple methods
graphicalReferences Schema-name::type-name Shows relationships graphically
graphViewOptions Schema-name::class-name Graph view options
htmlText Schema name::document-name Edits HTML text
implementors Schema-name::type-name::method-name Method implementors
importAutomationLib Schema-name Imports an ActiveX automation library using a wizard
importControlLib Schema-name Imports an ActiveX control library using a wizard
importDotNetLib Schema-name Imports a .NET assembly
importOpenAPI Schema-name Imports (adds) an OpenAPI specification
inErrorMethods Schema-name Status List In Error methods
inspectAllInstances Schema-name::class-name Inspects persistent instances of selected class and subclasses
inspectInstances Schema-name::class-name Inspects persistent instances of a selected class
inspectMethod Schema-name::class-name Controls access to the Object class inspect and inspectModal methods
inspectTransients Schema-name::class-name Inspects shared transient instances of a selected class
inspSchemaTransients Schema-name Inspects shared transient objects in a schema
installSchema Schema-name Loads an extract file
interfaceMapper Schema-name::class-name Maps a class to one or more interfaces
interfaceMethodMappings Schema-name Shows interfaces in which implemented methods are defined
librarySuperschemas Schema-name Views superschemas
localImplementors Schema-name::type-name::method-name Method local implementors
localImplementorsRefs Schema-name::type-name::method-name References to local implementors of the method
localSenders Schema-name::type-name::method-name Method local references
maintainExposedList Schema-name::exposure-name Updates an Exposure Definition
maintainPackage Schema-name::package-name Changes a package definition
maintainSchemaView Schema-name::view-name Updates a Schema View
mapFileText Schema-name::database-name::file-name Updates map file text
menuAdd Schema-name Adds an external database
menuAddCurrency Schema-name Adds a currency format
menuAddLongDate Schema-name Adds a long date format
menuAddNumeric Schema-name Adds a numeric format
menuAddShortDate Schema-name Adds a short date format
menuAddTime Schema-name Adds a time format
menuChange Schema-name::external-database-name Changes an external database definition
menuEditFormat Schema-name::format-name Changes the format
menuExtract Schema-name::external-database-name Extracts an external database
menuHistory Schema-name Accesses the history of classes and methods
menuInterfaces Schema-name Browses interfaces
menuLoad Schema-name Loads an external database
menuLocales Schema-name Browses locales
menuODBCAdd Schema-name Adds a relational view
menuODBCChange Schema-name::view-name Updates a relational view
menuODBCExtract Schema-name::view-name Extracts a relational view
menuODBCLoad Schema-name Loads a relational view
menuODBCPrint Schema-name::view-name Prints a relational view
menuODBCRemove Schema-name::view-name Removes a relational view
menuPrint Schema-name::external-database-name Prints an external database
menuReferences Schema-name::format-name Format references
menuRemove Schema-name::external-database-name Removes an external database
menuRemoveFormat Schema-name::format-name Removes a format
menuStrings Schema-name Strings menu
menuTranslateForms Schema-name Translates forms
menuView Schema-name::external-database-name External Database View menu
messages Schema-name::type-name::method-name Messages sent by a selected method
methodsMenu Schema-name::type-name Methods menu
methodsWindow Schema-name Toggles the display of the browser Methods List
methodsViewMenu Schema-name Methods View menu
methodText Schema-name::type-name::method-name Updates method text
mnuActiveXComponent Schema-name Accesses the Import submenu
mnuAddConsumer Schema-name Adds a new web service consumer
mnuAddPatch Schema-name Adds a new patch number
mnuAdHocIndexAdd Schema-name Adds a new ad hoc index
mnuAdHocIndexBuild Schema-name Builds an ad hoc index definition
mnuAdHocIndexCancel Schema-name Cancels the building of an ad hoc index definition
mnuAdHocIndexChange Schema-name Changes an ad hoc index definition
mnuAdHocIndexDelete Schema-name Deletes an ad hoc index definition
mnuAdHocIndexDrop Schema-name Drops an ad hoc index definition
mnuAdHocIndexLoad Schema-name Loads an ad hoc index definition from an XML file
mnuAdHocIndexRun Schema-name Runs the ad hoc index controller application
mnuAdHocIndexSave Schema-name Saves an ad hoc index definition to an XML file
mnuAllPatches Schema-name Shows all patch numbers
mnuBreakpoints Schema-name Browses breakpoints
mnuBrowseActiveXLib Schema-name Displays the ActiveX Browser
mnuBrowseAdHocIndexes Schema-name Browses ad hoc index definitions
mnuBrowseApplications Schema-name Browses applications
mnuBrowseClasses Schema-name Browses classes
mnuBrowseClassesInUse Schema-name Browses in-use classes
mnuBrowseConstants Schema-name Browses global constants
mnuBrowseConsumer Schema-name Browses web service consumers
mnuBrowseDeltas Schema-name Browses deltas
mnuBrowseExposedLists Schema-name Browses exposures
mnuBrowseExposureList Schema-name Browses exposures
mnuBrowseFunctions Schema-name Browses external functions
mnuBrowseHTML Schema-name Browses HTML documents
mnuBrowseInterfaces Schema-name Browses interfaces
mnuBrowseLibraries Schema-name Browses libraries
mnuBrowseMaps Schema-name Browses class maps
mnuBrowseMethods Schema-name Browses methods
mnuBrowseMethsAndVars Schema-name Browses methods and properties
mnuBrowsePatches Schema-name Displays the Patches Browser
mnuBrowseRPS Schema-name Browses Relational Population Service (RPS) mappings
mnuBrowseStatusCurrent Schema-name Views methods last modified by the current user
mnuBrowseTypes Schema-name Browses primitive types
mnuBrowseVariables Schema-name Browses properties
mnuBrowseViews Schema-name Browses schema views
mnuChangeConsumer Schema-name::consumer-name Reloads the web service consumer
mnuChangeDelta Schema-name::delta‑identifier Updates the delta identifier and description
mnuChangeInterface Schema-name::interface-name Updates the interface definition
mnuChangedMethods Schema-name Browses changed methods
mnuChangePatch Schema-name::patch-number Edits patch number details
mnuCheckedOutMethods Schema-name Browses checked out methods
mnuClosePatch Schema-name::patch-number Closes a patch number
mnuClosedPatches Schema-name Shows closed patches
mnuCurrentUserPatches Schema-name Shows patches for current user only
mnuDelta Schema-name::type-name::method-name Displays the Delta submenu
mnuDispPatchSummary Schema-name Opens a patch summary window
mnuDotNetComponent Schema-name Accesses the .NET submenu
mnuExportBrowser Schema-name Browses export packages
mnuExternalDb Schema-name Browses external databases
mnuExtractConsumer Schema-name::consumer-name Extracts web service consumer classes
mnuExtractFunction Schema-name Extracts the selected external function or library
mnuExtractPatch Schema-name::patch-number Extracts patches for a specific patch number
mnuFindAtCaret Schema-name::type-name::routine-name Finds the next occurrence of the text on which the caret is positioned
mnuFindTransientLeaks Schema-name Finds transient object leaks
mnuFindUnusedClassEntities Schema-name Finds unused entities
mnuGenerateTestCase Schema-name Generates a set of stub methods that can be used for web service consumer unit testing
mnuImportBrowser Schema-name Browses import packages
mnuMacroEdit Schema-name Edits a keystroke macro
mnuMacroLibrary Schema-name Selects a persistent keystroke macro
mnuMacroPlay Schema-name Plays a keystroke macro
mnuMacroRecord Schema-name Starts or stops the recording of a keystroke macro
mnuMethIFaceMapping Schema-name::type-name::method-name Opens the Interface Implementation Mapper dialog
mnuMethImplementedBy Schema-name::type-name Displays the Interface method maps to the following dialog
mnuMethodStatusList Schema-name Browses method status list
mnuMethodsView Schema-name Browses method views
mnuNRemoveUnusedLocalVars Schema-name Removes unused local variables
mnuOpenPatches Schema-name Shows all open patches
mnuRefreshPatchList Schema-name Refreshes the patches browser
mnuRelationalViews Schema-name Browses relational views
mnuRemoveConsumer Schema-name::consumer-name Removes the web service consumer
mnuRemoveInterface Schema-name::interface-name Removes the interface
mnuReopenPatch Schema-name::patch-number Reopens a closed patch number
mnuReorgAbort Schema-name Aborts the current active reorganization
mnuReorgAllSchemas Schema-name Reorganizes all schemas marked for reorganization
mnuReorgRestart Schema-name Restarts a stopped reorganization
mnuReorgSchema Schema-name Reorganizes the current schema
mnuReorgTransition Schema-name Initiates the transition phase of the reorganization
mnuReplaceIndent Schema-name::type-name::routine-name Replaces the editor indentation with tabs or spaces
mnuRpsCreateJcf Schema-Name::rps-mapping-name Creates an exclude command file for the selected RPS mapping
mnuSchemaReorg Schema-name Displays the reorganization submenu
mnuSetPatch Schema-name::patch-number Sets to a patch number
mnuSetPatchNumber Schema-name Opens the Set Patch Number dialog
mnuShowAllMethods Schema-name Displays methods that were updated or added in the selected patch for all schemas
mnuShowCompositeView Schema-name Toggles the display of all version views
mnuShowImportedIFace Schema-name::type-name Toggles the display of imported interfaces
mnuShowMethods Schema-name Displays methods that were updated or added in the selected patch for the currently selected schema
mnuShowPatchSummary Schema-name Opens a patch summary window
mnuTypeIFaceMapping Schema-name::type-name Opens the Interface Implementation Mapper dialog
mnuUnreferencedMethods Schema-name Browses unreferenced methods
mnuUnsetPatch Schema-name::patch-number Unsets a set patch number
mnuVersionCompare Schema-name::type-name::method-name Compares original and versioned method
mnuVersionedMethods Schema-name Opens the Versioned Methods dialog
mnuWebServicesOptions Schema-name::type-name::method-name Specifies SOAP header selections
monitor Schema-name Invokes the Jade Monitor
moveClass Schema-name::class-name Moves a class
moveMethod Schema-name::class-name::method-name Moves a method to a different class
movePatchDetail Schema-name::patch-number Moves patches to a different patch number
newSchemaEntityView Schema-name Displays the Methods View Browser window
newWorkspace Schema-name Opens a new Workspace
openView Schema-name::view-name Opens a Class Browser with a Schema View
openWorkspace Schema-name Opens an existing Workspace
painter Schema-name Opens the Painter window
paste Schema-name::type-name::method-name Pastes text from the clipboard
printMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Prints a selected method source
printSchema Schema-name Prints classes in a schema
printSelected Schema-name::type-name Prints a selected object
printSetup Schema-name Printer set up options
promoteConstant Schema-name::type-name::constant-name Promotes a class constant to a global constant
propertiesWindow Schema-name Toggles the display of the browser Properties List
quickNavigation Schema-name Mnemonic shortcut dialog
readReferences Schema-name::class-name Property read references
redo Schema-name Performs multiple redo operations
references Schema-name::type-name::routine-name Method references
registerServer Schema-name Displays the common File dialog
reloadHTMLDocument Schema-name::document-name Reloads an HTML document
removeActiveX ActiveX-library-name Removes the ActiveX control or object type library
removeApplication Schema-name::application-name Removes an application
removeBreakpoint Schema-name Removes a breakpoint
removeCategory Schema-name::category-name Removes a constant category
removeConstant Schema-name::type-name::constant-name Removes a class constant
removeDotNetLib Schema-name::component-name Removes a .NET assembly
removeExposedList Schema-name::exposure-name Removes an exposure list
removeFile Schema-name::database-name::file-name Removes a map file
removeFromList Schema-name::type-name::method-name Removes a method from the list
removeFunction Schema-name::function-name Removes an external function
removeFunctionLibrary Schema-name::library-name Removes a function library
removeGlobalConstant Schema-name::global-constant-name Removes a global constant
removeHTMLDocument Schema-name::document-name Deletes an HTML document
removeLibrary Schema-name::library-name Removes an external method library
removeMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Removes a method
removeMethodView Schema-name::view-name Removes a method view
removeOpenAPI Schema-name Removes an OpenAPI specification
removePackage Schema-name::package-name Delete a package
removeSchema Schema-name Removes the highlighted schema
removeSchemaView Schema-name::view-name Removes a Schema View
removeType Schema-name::class-name Removes a class
removeVariable Schema-name::class-name::property-name Removes a property
renameMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Renames a method
reorgOption Schema-name Reorganizes the database
resetRoot Schema-name Resets the root class back to Object
runApplication Schema-name Runs an application
save (varies) Saves the text in the active window
saveAll Schema-name::type-name Extracts the selected class and all its subclasses
saveAs Schema-name Saves Workspace as a different name
saveMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Saves a method
saveMethodAs Schema-name::type-name::method-name Saves a method as another name
saveType Schema-name::type-name Extracts the selected class or primitive type
schemaMenuFormats Schema-name Formats
schemaSave Schema-name Extracts a schema
schemaViewText Schema-name::view-name Updates Schema View text
searchInstances Schema-name Controls access to the inspector search functionality
searchListedMethods Schema-name::type-name Searches or replaces text in the Methods List
selectClass Schema-name::class-name Selects the specified class in the Class Browser
selectSchema Schema-name Selects a schema
setApplication Schema-name::application-name Sets to an application
setBookmark Schema-name Sets a bookmark
setDelta Schema-name::delta-name Sets to a delta
setRoot Schema-name Sets the root class
setText Schema-name::document-name Modifies text in an HTML document
setView Schema-name::view-name Sets to a Schema View
showAllMethodsView Schema-name Displays all method views in the Methods View Browser
showBubbleHelp Schema-name Toggles the display of bubble help in browser lists
showHistory Schema-name::type-name::method-name Displays the patch history of the selected entity
showInherited Schema-name::class-name Shows inherited method, properties, and constants
showInterfaceMappings Schema-name::class-name::method-name Shows interface methods mapped to the class method
showProtected Schema-name Toggles the display of protected properties or methods
showPublic Schema-name Toggles the display of public properties or methods
showReadOnly Schema-name Toggles the display of read-only properties or methods
showTypeHistory Schema-name::type-name Displays the patch history of the selected type
sortedByValue Schema-name Sorts constants in ASCII collating sequence
sortedOrder Schema-name::class-name Changes Class Browser to an alphabetical list
subclass Schema-name::locale-name::form-name Allows form to be subclassed
superschemas Schema-name Views superschemas
textSchema Schema-name Updates schema text
toggleBreakpoint Schema-name::type-name::method-name Toggles a breakpoint
typeReferences Schema-name::type-name References to selected class, primitive type, or interface
typesMenu Schema-name Classes menu
typeText Schema-name::type-name Updates text for selected class, primitive type, or interface
uncheckoutAll Schema-name::delta-name Unchecks out all methods in a selected delta
uncheckoutMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Undoes checkout of a method
uncompiledMethods Schema-name Status List uncompiled methods
undo Schema-name Performs multiple undo operations
unregisterServer Schema-name Unregisters an ActiveX type library
unsetDelta Schema-name::delta-name Unsets a delta
unusedLocalVars Schema-name::type-name::method-name Shows unused local variables
updateComments Schema-name::global-constant Updates global constant text
updateMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Methods being modified
updateReferences Schema-name::class-name Property update references
usages Schema-name::class-name::property-name Property references
userPreferences Schema-name User preferences
validateSchema Schema-name Validates a schema
variablesMenu Schema-name::class-name Properties menu
variableText Schema-name::class-name::property-name Updates text for a property
viewForm Schema-name::class-name Opens Painter for a selected form
viewMethod Schema-name::type-name::method-name Methods about to be viewed
viewMethods Schema-name::delta-name Views method in a delta
zoomIn Schema-name::class-name Graph zoom in
zoomOut Schema-name::class-name Graph zoom out