Selecting All Items or Clearing the Selection of All Items in a List

If you want to select most of the items in a list, you can select all items and then individually remove those you do not want included from the selection (for example, in the Periodically Sampled Items list on the Monitor Setup view). Conversely, if a majority of items in a list is selected and you want to include a few only, you can clear all items from selection and then individually select only those you want to include.

To select all items in a list

All items are then selected; for example, a check mark is displayed in all enabled (valid) check boxes in the Samples Logged to File list on the Monitor Setup view. For details about setting up the Jade Monitor, see "Setting Up the Jade Monitor", in Chapter 1.

To clear the selection of all items in a list

All items are then removed from selection; for example, no check marks are displayed in any check boxes in the Select Sample Types to Load list on the Load Historical Samples view.