Locating a Phrase in a Knowledge Base Article

To locate a phrase in a knowledge base article

  1. In the Overview pane, right‑click on text in the Overview or Discussion section.

  2. Select the Find command from the popup menu that is displayed. This command is disabled if the caret is not positioned on text on the Overview pane.

    The Find dialog is then displayed.

  3. In the Find what text box, specify the text that you want to locate in the knowledge base article.

  4. If you want to search backwards through the contents of the Overview pane from the current caret position up to the beginning of the article, select the Up option button in the Search group box.

    By default, searching is performed from the current caret position to the end of the article; that is, the Down option button is selected.

  5. If you want the exact match by case (where uppercase or lowercase is significant), check the Match case check box. A search is then performed for text with the same capitalization as the text in the Find what text box.

    By default, searching is case‑insensitive; that is, this check box is unchecked.

  6. If you want the search restricted to the full word specified in the Find what text box (for example, Request will not find extractRequestStatistics), check the Whole words only check box.

    A search is then performed for full words that match your specified search criteria. As this check box is not checked by default, the search will match on part of a word.

  7. To find the next occurrence of the specified text, click the Find Next button.

    If Jade finds the text string that matches your specified options, the located text is then highlighted and focus is returned to the Overview pane. If Jade cannot find the text string that matches your specified options, a message box informs you that the search text was not found and waits for you to click the OK button in the message box before returning focus to the Overview pane.

  8. When you do not want to locate any more text in the knowledge base article, click the Cancel button. Focus then returns to the Overview pane.