Extracting an Existing Knowledge Base Information File

You can extract your existing knowledge base articles file; for example, when Jade Support provides a new file and you want to retain the existing text file.

To extract the knowledge base articles file

  1. Select the Extract Articles command from the Maintenance menu.

    The common Select Monitor KnowledgeBase Backup File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify your text file backup options.

  2. In the Look in text box, enter the absolute path to which to extract the existing knowledge base articles text file or use standard facilities to browse to the location you require for the backed up information file.

  3. In the File name text box, specify the file prefix that you require.

    As a new knowledge base articles file overwrites an existing file of the same name in the target path, you may want to name the file to distinguish it from a new file (for example, by calling it KnowledgeBase31032009.txt).

  4. Click the Open button.

  5. If you specified a new file name or a difference absolute path, a message box is displayed stating that the file does not exist in the selected directory and prompting you to click the Yes button if you want to create the file.

    Alternatively, click the No button to abandon the backing up of the existing knowledge base file.

The Extract Complete message box is then displayed, stating that the knowledge base articles have been extracted to the specified location and file. Click the OK button to return focus to the Jade Monitor Knowledge Base Help Editor.