



The Trace parameter specifies whether all requests made to and from the presentation client are traced.

The default value of None for this parameter specifies that tracing is off, or disabled.

Jade provides two levels of tracing, whose parameter values and descriptions are listed in the following table.

Parameter Value Description
messages Traces only the commands that caused a message to be sent between the presentation client and the application server
all Traces all commands passed between the presentation client and the application server

The text Tracing is ON is displayed directly under the start-up status line on the presentation client splash screen when the TraceAppServer parameter is set to true or the Trace parameter is set to all or messages.

For details about trace output, see "Tracing Presentation Client Requests and Messages", in Chapter 3 of the Thin Client Guide.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same Jade initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client.