



The PreventFileDownload parameter enables you to prevent the download or predownload of files required to upgrade the Jade software of a presentation client connecting to an application server.

The value of this parameter is ignored if the value of the AutomaticDownLoad parameter is set to false in the [JadeAppServer] or the [JadeThinClient] section of the Jade initialization file, as no download is attempted.

When you set the PreventFileDownload parameter to true, the presentation client expects to find all of the files required to be installed on the presentation client in the predownload directory, the download directory, or already installed.

Use this option to force presentation client upgrades to occur locally from the predownload directory when the files to be installed have been copied there manually or by a non‑Jade process.

For details about automatically upgrading Jade Platform and user software on presentation clients, see Appendix B, "Upgrading Software on Presentation Clients", in the Thin Client Guide.

Parameter is read when …

Each presentation client connects to the application server.