

Last predownloaded version


The PreDownLoadVersion parameter specifies the current version of pre‑download files and directories that have been previously downloaded to the directories located in the predownload subdirectory of the specified DownLoadDirectory directory of the [environment-type] section for the presentation client during the automatic software upgrade process.

This value is automatically maintained when running in Jade thin client mode.

When a presentation client connects to the application server, the presentation client and application server versions are compared. If they are different, the pre‑download process is initiated.

This parameter enables you to use the same binary (bin) directory for different database systems if you use unique Jade initialization files in each shortcut or command line on the presentation client.

As this assumes that each database system is at the same Jade version level, use of each shortcut or command line causes a download to occur when the Jade version level of the database differs.

For details about automatically upgrading Jade Platform and user software on presentation clients, see Appendix B, "Upgrading Software on Presentation Clients", in the Thin Client Guide.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same Jade initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client.