
String (file-path)



Jade enables you to pre‑download a future release of the software required on presentation clients. These pre‑downloaded read‑only files are held on the presentation client until they take effect on the application server.

Pre‑download files to reduce the amount of downloading that is necessary when the release goes live.

The PreDownLoadDirectory parameter specifies the directory and subdirectories into which all read-only files are copied ready for installation in the future. This directory and subdirectories contain all of the files that will ultimately be installed in the jade.exe binary directory on the presentation client.

If you do not specify this directory, a directory named preload1 is created as a subdirectory of the directory specified by the value of the ProgramDataDirectory parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section and the location of the installation directory on the presentation client.

For details about automatically upgrading Jade and user software on presentation clients, see Appendix B, "Upgrading Software on Presentation Clients", in the Thin Client Guide.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same Jade initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client.