



The AskToDownload parameter controls whether the thin client download process is automatically performed on the presentation client in which this parameter is specified.

By default, users are presented with a message box that states A new version of the thin client software must be downloaded to complete this request - proceed with the download? Clicking the Yes button downloads the files and clicking the No button cancels the file download process.

Set this parameter to false if you want the download process initiated without requesting user confirmation.

After installation is complete, if the PostInstallExe parameter in the appropriate [environment-type] section is specified on the application server, the specified program is initiated.

If a post-installation program is not specified and the AskToDownload parameter is set to false, the Jade application is automatically re-initiated without requesting user confirmation. Setting the AskToDownload parameter to false automatically performs the entire download process.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same Jade initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client.


As the Jade automatic download installation program jaddinst.exe automatically uses the name of the presentation client executable defined in the PostInstallExe parameter if the value is jade or jade.exe, you can therefore use the same Jade initialization file parameter to re-initiate the presentation client regardless of whether the standard presentation client initiated the download.