
String (transport‑type,remote‑host,remote‑port[,local‑interface[,local‑port]]) |
(JadeLocal,[Global\]base‑name) | (HPSM,[Global\]base‑name)

TcpIp, LocalHost, 6005


The ServerNodeSpecifications parameter enables the client node to connect to the specified server node across the network, using TCP/IP or using local intra-machine transport on the same machine (for example, if your server node has multiple CPUs and the database server and Jade application server reside on the same machine).

No spaces are allowed in the server node specifications.

The values for TCP/IP parameters are:

  1. transport-type

    Specifies the transport type to connect to the server node, which is TcpIP, TcpIPv4, TcpIPv6, or TcpIPAny. The transport‑type literal value is case-insensitive.

    The TcpIP value is a synonym for TcpIPAny, which supports IP version 6 or IP version 4 connections. TcpIPv4 provides IP version 4 connections only. TcpIPv6 provides IP version 6 connections only.

    For the TcpIPAny transport type, the client will first attempt to connect via IP version 6 and then IP version 4 protocol on the provided IP addresses. Each connection failure will be logged, and the next available combination tried.

  2. remote-host

    You can specify the remote-host value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport‑type value. If you specify a host name, all DNS-provided addresses will be attempted.

  3. remote-port

    Specifies the valid port number or port name to connect to on the server (remote) node.

    A port name cannot begin with a numeric value.

    Select a unique port number or port name on the server node, to guarantee that there are no conflicts with any TCP/IP-based application. Some systems allow only a restricted range of ports. A port number should be in the range 49152 through 65535 inclusive, but any value greater than 1023 is valid. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) port numbers in the range 0 through 1023 are reserved, those in the range 1024 through 49151 are registered and may have been assigned to specific applications, and those in the range 49152 through 65534 are dynamic, or set aside for private use.

  4. [local-interface]

    You can specify the local-interface value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport‑type value. If you specify a host name, all DNS-provided addresses will be attempted.

  5. [local-port]

    Optional port number or port name on the client (local) node. Specify the local‑port number only if it is required for network security.

If you do not want to specify a local interface but you want to specify a local port, you must specify an empty local interface field; for example:


Use the ServerNodeSpecifications parameter if you want to select a specific network interface card to connect to your server, or the interface (host) name or IP address if you want to bind a specific network adapter in a server node that has more than one network adapter installed. (By default, Jade defaults to the primary network adapter in the node.)

To enable local intra-machine transport on the client, specify the following parameter.


The values for local intra-node transport are as follows.

  1. transport-type

    Specifies the transport type to connect to the server node; that is, JadeLocal or HPSM.

    The HPSM transport has a lower overhead than the JadeLocal transport. HPSM is provided by the jomsrvr2.dll, which implements an RPC transport and server thread model.

  2. base-name

    Specifies the name of the connection, which is a string with a maximum length of 60 characters, and must be unique to the machine.

The HPSM transport enables a database running as a service under the Local System account to be used by a desktop client application running under any user account. To indicate that the named pipe and shared memory are created and global objects will be visible across sessions and logons, specify the Global\ prefix tag.

The following examples show the specification of a JadeLocal and an HPSM connection.


For more details about the local intra‑machine transports, see "Hybrid Pipe Shared Memory (HPSM) Transport" and "JadeLocal Transport" under "Configuring Your Network Protocol", in Chapter 2 of the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Parameter is read when …

The application server or the standard (fat) client node next attempts to connect to the server in multiuser mode.


If you want to override (but not update) this parameter so that you can run multiple copies of Jade using different shortcuts rather than separate Jade initialization files, you can specify the host, port, interface, and localport command line arguments in your jade.exe or jadapp shortcut.

For details, see "Specifying Arguments in the Jade Command Line" in Chapter 2 and "Handling Multiple Copies of the Jade Program" in Chapter 1, respectively, of the Installation and Configuration Guide, and the ServerNodeSpecifications parameter in the [ConnectionParams] section, later in this chapter.