Format of the Jade Initialization File

The Jade-specific or application-defined initialization file contains several Jade initialization sections, each of which consists of a group of related parameters. These sections and parameters are listed in the file in the following format.


In this example, [section-name] is the name of a section in the file. The enclosing brackets ([ ]) are required and the left bracket must be in the extreme left column on the screen.

The keyname=value statement defines the value of each parameter, or argument. A keyname is the name of a parameter. It can consist of any combination of digits and letters in uppercase or lowercase characters and it must be followed by an equals sign (=). The value is a primitive type (for example, an integer), depending on the parameter.

A semicolon character (;) indicates the start of a comment. A comment continues to the end of the line. Everything between the semicolon and the end of the line is ignored.