
The VirtualDirectory directive, whose characteristics are listed in the following table, is an easier way to specify the same value as the PhysicalDirectory directive.

The VirtualDirectory directive is mainly of use when the same jadehttp.conf file is designed to run on multiple hosts.

Characteristic Value
Action Specifies the TCP/IP connection to the Jade application
Syntax VirtualDirectory directory-name
Context Location
Handler jadehttp-handler
Module mod_jadehttp
Example VirtualDirectory /var/web/myWebApp/files

The following is an example of the use of the VirtualDirectory directive.

<IfModule mpm_winnt.c>
    <Directory "c:/temp/">
    Alias /jade/images/ "c:/temp/"

<IfModule !mpm_winnt.c>
    <Directory "/tmp/">
    Alias /jade/images/ "/tmp/"
<location /jade/webform>
    SetHandler jadehttp_handler

    VirtualDirectory /jade/images/


In this example, depending on where this jadehttp.conf file is used, the physical directory to which transferred files are written is different. The VirtualDirectory directive uses the URL location of /jade/images/ to determine the actual directory name to use. For details about retaining files passed to mod_ jadehttp, see "Firewall for the Jade Internet Environment", earlier in this chapter.