Jade Sentinel

Jade Sentinel (jadesentinel.exe) is a debugger that attaches to an executable and takes a process dump when necessary. Every Jade executable will attempt to launch Sentinel on startup, unless the option is disabled in the Jade initialization file. There are two benefits to Jade Sentinel:

  1. Sometimes a program cannot take a process dump of itself.

  2. Sentinel (and any other Jade executable) knows how to exclude irrelevant database cache from the dump, which extends the time and space required to create the process dump, if included.

Sentinel can also be started manually to take a process dump of a specified program. This is useful when Jade appears to be hung, you want a process dump for diagnosis, and you want to exclude the database cache to reduce downtime. To use this feature, the command line is:

jadesentinel.exe ini=path‑and‑name‑of‑initialization‑file‑of‑system pid=process‑id‑of‑process‑to‑dump mode=dumpProcess

Sentinel returns the exit values listed in the following table.

Value Description
0 Success, no error
1 Incorrect command line
2 Manual dump failed

The Jade initialization file should be supplied so that Sentinel can obey the [FaultHandling] and [JadeSentinel] sections of that system. The process id should be specified in decimal format. 32‑ and 64‑bit executables must be dumped by 32‑ and 64‑bit sentinels, respectively, and you must use the jadesentinel.exe that is located in the bin folder of the system you are dumping.