
String (Rule=URL-pattern,host,port)


The Rule parameter specifies the rule to dispatch incoming WebSocket connections, based on its URL, to Jade application instances.

The Rule value can be any name, as it does not influence the dispatching of incoming connections.

The URL-pattern value is a C++/ECMAScript regular expression. To activate this rule, the request URL must match the pattern.

The host value is a network‑resolvable host name or IP address for the machine that is hosting the Jade application.

The port value is the TCP port being handled by the Jade application.

If you specify a port (for example, from a localhost port 80 request) and you did not include the port in the rule, the request is ignored

Rules are tried in the order in which they appear in the JadeWebSockets_IIS.ini file; that is, earlier-defined rules take precedence over later rules.

The following is an example of the [JadeWebSocket Rules] section.

[JadeWebSocket Rules]
; http or https URL ending with is forwarded to port 5555 on the local host ws5555='https?://.*',localhost,5555
; forward all other http or https websocket URLs to localhost port 4444

2018.0.01 and higher