Reregistering a Jade System in Batch Mode

The jadregb program enables you to automate the registration of a Jade system with your new licence information by running the registration program in batch mode (for example, from a command script), specifying the following information.

jadregb path=database-directory
       [online [ini=Jade-initialization-file-absolute-path-and-name]]
       [help | report | name="licence-name" key=licence-key 
       [minStandard=integer-value] [minJade=integer-value]]

The number of server licences is split over the two types of run time operation; that is, standard (fat client) and Jade thin client.

Jade licenses are not transferred automatically between databases in an SDE. It is your responsibility to apply new licenses to any existing databases in an SDE. In addition, to ensure proper operation, you must apply the primary license to every secondary.

You can optionally specify the minimum number of licences reserved for both types of run time operation, if required. When you have successfully specified the new licence information for the database:

If the jadregb executable program fails, a non‑zero exit code is returned and an error message is displayed; for example, the licence key that you specified was invalid or you did not enclose your licence name in double quote characters (""). The batch registration program arguments are described in the following subsections.