
The PhysicalDirectory directive specifies the name of a local directory to use when files are transferred from Jade to the web server by using the JadeWebServiceProvider or WebSession class createVirtualDirectoryFile method without specifying a directory in the fileName parameter. This directory is also used as the location for transferring files when the Firewall directive is set to on. In this situation, it behaves in a similar way to the FileTransferDirectory parameter in the [Jadehttp Files] section of the jadehttp.ini file for IIS servers, described earlier in this chapter.

The characteristics of the PhysicalDirectory directive are listed in the following table.

Characteristic Value
Action Specifies the directory to use as a physical directory
Syntax PhysicalDirectory local-directory
Context Location
Handler jadehttp-handler
Module mod_jadehttp
Example PhysicalDirectory /var/tmp/appname/

Apache directives require separators to be defined using a forward slash (/) character.

The following is an example of the use of the PhysicalDirectory directive.

<Directory /var/spool/www/jade/images/>
    order allow,deny
    allow from all

Alias /jade/images/ /var/spool/www/jade/images/

<location /jade/webform>
    SetHandler jadehttp_handler

    PhysicalDirectory /var/spool/www/jade/images/


In this example, the physical directory on disk /var/spool/www/jade/images/ needs to be the same in the three places. The actual value can change on a site‑specific basis.