Maintaining Painter Options

In Jade Painter, the default display of toolbars and grids and the position of the Properties dialog can be specified. For example, you can specify that the Control palette is not displayed on the Painter toolbar by default.

As painter values apply to the whole of the Jade Platform development environment, the Painter sheet is available only on the administrative Jade Installation Preferences dialog.

To change the default Painter options

  1. Click the Painter sheet of the Jade Installation Preferences dialog.

    The Painter sheet, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. If you do not want the Control palette displayed in the Painter toolbar, check the Hide Control Palette check box.

  3. If you do not want the Alignment and Size palette displayed in the Painter toolbar, check the Hide Alignment/Size Palette check box.

  4. If you do not want the status bar displayed in Painter windows, check the Hide Status Bar check box.

  5. If you do not want the Tools palette displayed in the Painter toolbar, check the Hide Tools Palette check box.

  6. If you want controls on Painter forms to snap to a grid, check the Snap to Grid check box.

  7. If you want a grid displayed on Painter forms, check the Show Grid check box.

  8. If you do not want a default grid width of 10 pixels, enter the required width in the Grid width text box.

  9. If you do not want a default grid height of 10 pixels, enter the required height in the Grid height text box.

  10. If you want the Properties dialog to be always positioned on top of other control in Painter forms by default, check the Properties On Top check box.