
The FaultDocument directive, whose characteristics are listed in the following table, specifies what the mod_ jadehttp module does when it encounters an error.

Characteristic Value
Action Specifies the URL or path name for redirection when an error occurs
Syntax FaultDocument cause redirect-url
Context Location
Handler jadehttp-handler, jadehttp-info
Module mod_jadehttp
Example 1 FaultDocument TcpConnectFailed http://secondary.example.com:80/page.html
Example 2 FaultDocument PostTooLarge bigpost.html

You can specify the cause value in numeric or text form. Valid values for the cause are listed in the following table.

Numeric Name Text Name
600 TcpConnectFailed
601 PostTooLarge
602 ServiceFailed
603 DataReadFailed

You must specify a valid URL or path name for the redirect-url value, which can be on the local web server or on a remote web server. If you do not specify a redirect-url value and an error occurs, an error page is raised internally in the mod_ jadehttp module.