Using Standard Classes

As most ActiveX type libraries include the OLE Automation library, which contains standard interfaces, the STDOLE2.TLB OLE Automation library is preloaded into the Jade RootSchema. You can create instances of the OLE Automation object and then manipulate them in the same way you can any other imported ActiveX object.

The preloaded OLE Automation type library created the standard font and picture JadeAutoFont and JadeAutoPicture objects as subclasses of OLE_Automation in the ActiveXAutomation superclass and their corresponding IJadeAutoFont, IJadeAutoFontEvents, and IJadeAutoPicture interface subclasses of the IDispatch class.

The following example shows the creation of a font object and the setting of font properties.

    autoFont : JadeAutoFont;
    create autoFont;
    write autoFont.bold;
    autoFont.bold := true;
    write autoFont.bold;
    delete autoFont;

The Jade methods that are provided for the JadeAutoPicture and IJadeAutoPicture classes preloaded into the RootSchema with the OLE Automation object are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
loadPicture (fileName: String): IJadeAutoPicture; Creates a picture object from an external file
makePicture (binary: Binary): IJadeAutoPicture; Creates a picture object from a Jade binary
loadPicture (fileName: String); Saves the image of a picture to the specified external file