Configuring a Jade ODBC Driver

The Jade ODBC drivers are installed as part of the Jade installation process. The following subsections explain how to configure a Jade ODBC driver.

As the Jade ODBC driver is invoked by third‑party applications, it is unlikely that your current working directory will identify the path for the Jade libraries.

If your Jade libraries are not located in your current working directory, the libraries are loaded from the same directory as the Jade ODBC driver. If the libraries are not found in that directory, exception 8327 is raised.

Windows ODBC drivers are run from the directory specified by the following registry values.


Each data source may also store where to find its driver directly, as follows.


If the operating system error 126 (ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND), error 1157 (ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND), or Jade error 8327 (Directory location of the Jade ODBC library in the DSN is not the Jade Install Directory) is raised, check that the ODBC driver has been installed by accessing the Control Panel ODBC applet to determine if the Jade driver is listed on the ODBC Drivers sheet. If not, install the driver by using the Jade installation medium or odbcinst.

If the Jade driver exists but it is listed as Not Marked or it is the incorrect version, the registry settings specified earlier in this section are pointing at the wrong directory and need to be corrected. If the version is correct, check that the directory contains valid Jade library files.