Window Methods

The methods defined in the Window class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
aboutBox Calls the About box for the window
addWebEventMapping Adds functions to be invoked when a specified web event occurs
animateWindow Enables special effects when showing or hiding a form or control
captureMouse Sets the mouse capture to the specified window
centreWindow Centers the window that is being opened
clearWebEventMappings Removes all web event mappings for a specified window
controlNamePrefix Prototype method that you can reimplement to prefix your own control names
createPicture Creates a picture for the form or control
createPictureAsType Creates a picture with the specified image type for the form or control
doWindowEvents Processes all pending Window events for this window and all its children
enableEvent Provides control at run time of Jade logic execution of events associated with forms or controls
getDeskTopWorkArea Returns the work area of the desktop
getHwnd Returns the Microsoft Windows handle for a form or control
getMonitorArea Returns the full area of the current monitor on which the window resides
getMonitorWorkArea Returns the position of the available desktop area of the monitor on which the window resides
getName Returns the name of the receiver
getPersistentObject Returns a reference to the persistent object corresponding to the receiver
getPropertyDisplay Returns the text displayed by the Painter’s Properties dialog for the property
getSystemColor Returns a Windows system color
getSystemMetrics Returns a Windows metrics value
getTextExtent Returns the length required to display a text string
getTextHeight Returns the height required to display a text string
getTextHeightForWidth Returns the height of the text string in pixels as it would be displayed when word wrapped within a rectangle of the specified width using the font of the window
getWebEventMappings Returns all of the web event mappings for a specified window
getWindowHandle Returns the Microsoft Windows handle as a MemoryAddress for a form or control
hasPropertyPage Returns whether the window has its own property page dialog
hwnd Returns the Windows handle to a form or control
isEventEnabled Returns whether the specified event is currently enabled for the window
move Enables logic to move and size a form or control from a single method call
refresh Forces a repaint of a form or control
refreshNow Forces an immediate repaint or update of a form or control
releaseMouse Releases the mouse capture from a window
removeWebEventMapping Removes the specified web event mapping for a specified window
screenToWindow Converts an absolute screen position into a position relative to the window
setDefaultPainterControlProperties Called by the Jade Painter when a new control is created (re‑implement the method on the Control class or subclass to set any user default properties)
setDragAndDropFiles Enables files and folders to be dragged and dropped onto a form or control
setEventMapping Enables the method to be dynamically set at run time
setEventMappingEx Enables the method to be dynamically set at run time
setFocus Sets the focus to a window
showContextMenu__ A helper method that can be called from contextMenu events to display a menu using the event details
showHelp Invokes Window’s help if the helpKeyword or helpContextId properties of the object are set
showPropertyPage Displays the property page dialog for the window
windowToScreen Converts a position relative to the window into an absolute position on the screen
zOrder Places a form or control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document. See also the graphics methods defined in the Window class, under "Graphics Properties and Methods", later in this document.