
Type: String[100]

Availability: Read or write at design time, read-only at run time

The name property of the Window class contains the name used in logic to identify an application, form, control, or menu item object.

The default name for new objects is the kind of object plus a unique integer. For example, the first new form is Form1, and the third text box you create on a form is textBox3. For a form defined as a web page, the name property contains the name of the web page.

Applications and forms are defined in the Jade database as classes, and the first letter is converted to an uppercase character.

Controls and menu items are defined in the Jade database as properties, and the first character of the name is converted to a lowercase character.

A name property of an object must start with a letter, with a maximum length of 100 characters for a form and 86 characters for a control. This property can include numbers and underscore characters, but it cannot include punctuation symbols or spaces. Forms cannot have the same name as another form or global object, such as the application name or predefined Jade classes; for example, Image.

Subclassed forms cannot have controls or menus with the same name as a control on a superclass of the form.

Although Jade uses the name property as the default value for the caption and text properties, changing one property does not affect the others.