
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The min property of the ScrollBar class contains a scroll bar position minimum value property setting when the scroll box is in its highest position (the vertical scroll bar control) or farthest left position (horizontal scroll bar control).

Specify any valid integer. The default setting is zero (0).

The Windows environment automatically sets ranges for scroll bars proportional to the contents of forms, combo boxes, and list boxes. For a horizontal scroll bar control, however, you must specify these ranges. Use the min property to set a range appropriate to how the scroll bar control is used; for example, as an input device or as an indicator of speed or quantity.

Typically, you set the min property in the Jade Platform development environment. You can also set it in logic at run time, if the scrolling range must change dynamically.

Use the smallChange property to set the minimum scrolling increments for a scroll bar control.

If the max property is set to a value less than the value of the min property, the value of the max property is then set at the farthest left or highest position of a horizontal or vertical scroll bar, respectively.