
Type: Real

Availability: Read or write at any time

The left property of the Window class contains the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of the client area of the container (the non-border area).

When the parent is a Form class or a BaseControl or Picture control, the left position is also offset by the amount that the parent is scrolled. The left property for a form is always expressed in pixels.

If the value of the left property plus the value of the width property is greater than 32,767 pixels, the resulting window extents may be unpredictable.

For controls, the left property is expressed in units controlled by the scaleMode property of the parent of the control. The default value of the scaleMode property is pixels. (See also the parentAspect property.)

The value for the left property changes as the object is moved by the user or by logic. Changing the left or top dimension of a form does not cause a form move event.

The following examples show the use of the left property.

pictureEnlarged_mouseMove(pict:   Picture input;
                          button: Integer;
                          shift:  Integer;
                          x, y:   Real) updating;
    if movePic = true then
        pictureEnlarged.move(pictureEnlarged.left + (x - moveX),
                        pictureEnlarged.top + (y - moveY),
                        pictureEnlarged.width, pictureEnlarged.height);
    if rowsVisible - 1 < theCollectionSize then
        theTableScroll.height      := theTable.height;
        theTableScroll.max         := theCollectionSize;
        theTableScroll.largeChange := rowsVisible - 1;
        if theTableScroll.visible then
            theTableScroll.left    := theTable.left + theTable.width - 2;
            theTableScroll.left    := theTable.left + theTable.width - 2;
            theTableScroll.value   := 1;
    elseif theTableScroll.visible then
        theTable.width := theTable.width + theTableScroll.width;
        theTableScroll.visible := false;

When multiple monitors are running on a workstation and a form is saved in the Jade Painter, the values of the left and top properties are converted to be relative to the top and left of the primary monitor.