
Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The ignoreSkinAllControls property of the Form class specifies whether the application skin is ignored for the form and all of its child controls (including dynamic controls). By default, this property is set to false and the form uses any appropriate skin.

Set this property to true if you want application skins ignored on the form; that is, you do not have to set the value of the Window class ignoreSkin property to true for each control on the form.

If the control has been explicitly set using the Form or Control class setSkin method, the skin is not ignored.

For details about using skins to enhance your runtime applications, see Chapter 2 of your Runtime Application Guide.

See also the Application class setApplicationSkin method, "JadeSkinApplication Class", and "JadeSkinControl and Subclasses", in Chapter 1. See also the Form class setApplicationSkin method, later in this document.

2022.0.01 and higher