
Type: Binary

Availability: Read or write at any time

The icon property of the Form class or Sheet class contains the icon displayed for a minimized form or on the tab of a sheet in a folder. (The Application class icon property acts as the default for any form or sheet that does not have a defined icon.) Use this property to specify a custom icon for any form that the user can minimize at run time; for example, you can assign a unique icon to a form to indicate the function of the form.

Specify the icon by loading it using the Properties window in Painter in the Jade Platform development environment, or load it at run time by assigning it from another icon or by using the loadPicture method of the Application class (app.loadPicture).

If the icon is loaded from a file, it must have an icon format (that is, a .ico file). If you do not specify a custom icon, the application icon is used. If no application icon was specified, the Jade default icon is used. Jade creates a large and a small icon for use with a form if they are present in the icon file when the app.icon and form.icon properties are set.

To see the icon of a form, the form must be minimized. The borderStyle property must be set to BorderStyle_Single (1) or BorderStyle_Sizable (2). The minButton property must be set to true.

At run time, you can assign the icon property of an object to the icon property of another object or use the loadPicture method of the Application class to load an icon from a file.

If you set the icon property of a Sheet control to an icon image (the only image type that is accepted), that icon is displayed in the folder tab for the sheet. The icon is scaled to fit the tab height. Use the tabsHeight property to control the height, and therefore the size, of the displayed sheet icon. Use the tabsAlignment property to control the placement of the sheet icon on the tab.