
float(lft: Integer;
      tp:  Integer;
      wth: Integer;
      hgt: Integer);

The float method of the JadeDockBase class causes the JadeDockBar or JadeDockContainer docking control to be floated by creating a floating form at the left, top, width, and height screen positions specified in the lft, tp, wth, and hgt parameters, respectively.

If the control is already floating, this method repositions and resizes the floating form. The resulting size of the floating form may vary if the automatic sizing of the dock control or controls requires a different size to the specified width and height. The control is still floated even if the value of the floatingStyle property is set to FloatingStyle_None (0).

The control remains logically attached to the original form and all events generated for the control while it is floating are still passed to the original form. The Control class form property for the floated control remains set to the original form and the Control class parent property of the control is set to a null value, as the floating form does not have a Jade object associated with it.

Calling the float method does not generate a JadeDockBar or JadeDockContainer class floated event. (For details about floating and docking container controls, see "Floating a Docking Control" and "Docking a Control", under the "JadeDockBase Class", earlier in this document. See also the docking examples under the JadeDockContainer class allowDocking property, earlier in this document.)